Insights Discovery


Use Insights Discovery’s powerful methodology to:

  • Build self-awareness and understanding of others

  • Increase productivity within your team or company

  • Improve relationships so that people work better together and experience less conflict

  • Enable better communication

  • Empower your people to be even more effective

  • Understand stress triggers and responses and how to alleviate them

  • Develop aware and empathic leaders

What difference would it make if everyone in your organisation shared a common language, if people were self aware, could communicate effectively and if people appreciated each other’s strengths and weaknesses?

What would the impact be if leaders knew more about the needs of the people that worked for them, how to help them read their potential, and how to tailor communication for best response and results ?

Insights Discovery is one of the world’s leading personality profiling tools which uses an evidence backed model underpinned by Jungian psychology, the same psychological principals used in the well-known Myers Briggs or MBTI. The Insights model translates these principals into ‘colour energies’ which allow people to easily understand themselves and others and get the most of the relationships in the workplace.

At The People Person we have almost 20 years’ experience of delivering impactful, energising Insights Discovery workshops for a range of organisations and with 121 Coaching Clients.

With half and full day interactive workshops, your people attending will receive a detailed and personalised report detailing the key aspects of their unique personality, how they like to communicate, their strengths, weaknesses and their blind spots as well as learning how to communicate and relate much more effectively to their opposite types.


Building Resilience


Coaching Skills At Work